Sunday, May 27, 2012

Portrait Challenge

I've given myself a challenge that has me make an attempt at 100 portraits.  I'm working on portrait number three today.  There is a long journey a head of me right now.  The first 50 of them are going to be in Photoshop.  I'm going to try and make the first 25 of them monochromatic and then go into color from 26 to 50.  From there I'm going to move on to traditional media.  From my point of view right now this looks like it's going to be really hard.  Digital painting has been such a mystery to me, so with 50 portraits underway I hope that I have a really good grasp on it in the future.  I'll try and post five portraits at a time.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Two days ago I attended Spectrum Fantastic Art Live.  It was a lot to take in all at once.  My mind was blown at every turn I made.  As if the names alone wasn't exciting enough to find out about, while I was walking around I thrown back by all the painting, drawings, sculptures, and what ever else that I recognized.  At one point I would walk by and think, "Whoa! I've been fallowing this artist since I was a teenager."  Then I would continue walking and I would see a painting that had inspired me down one path and my jaw would drop again.  These works of arts are way better up close in personal.  So if you can't tell I had a lot of fun in Kansas City last Saturday.  I only wish I was able to attend all three days it was going on, especially since the Batmobile was there last night and I missed it.  I also missed out on the award show which I would have loved to have attended as well.  I promise, if they do this again next year and I'm here I'm going to be better prepared for it.

With new inspiration and a renewed drive for my art I have decided to challenge myself.  I'm planning on doing something that will fill my portfolio, but also improve my skill level. I am going to try and get 100 portraits done by August 21st.  I'm going to do 50 of them digitally and 50 of them with traditional media.  I think this should be a lot of fun.  It will definitely be a challenge, I still have other responsibilities in life, but life's a journey and I'll mold it the way I see fit.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

2 Days Left

Tomorrow is the first day for Spectrum Fantastic Art Live.  I wish that I could make it to Spectrum for all three days in a row.  I'm only going to make it there on Saturday and I can't wait.  Every time I learn of another artist that is going to be there I can't believe it.  These are the people who have inspired me for who knows how long.  I'm going to try and take some pictures and get a few of them to sign some of my stuff for me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Toast! To a new start

Whoo!!! My first blog.  A place where I can share some wisdom and rant and rave about what ever comes to mind.  Sounds like a lot of fun to me.  I can't wait =D

Time to start looking around the site and see what I can do.